If You Made a Marital Mistake You Can Resolve and Dissolve Amicably
Love: (noun) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

Most people have experienced love, and those people know it can cause all kinds of unusual and unique emotional and even physical phenomena.
Love can make an individual do serious things including making a commitment to a contract known as marriage. Hopefully that contract remains in place for a long, long time but often one or both of the parties to the contract decide they need to make a change.
Every marriage succeeds or fails for different reasons, but when one fails, there are usually serious issues that people say they can no longer live with. Some of the most common issues are:
- Finances – This is one of the most common reasons for divorce. A saver and a spender are usually a bad blend of personalities and they are at odds over money all the time. If one cannot meet the other half-way, divorce is a common option.
- Intimacy – This is also a very common issue with couples who seek to divorce. Intimacy is usually very intense at the start of a relationship but it often fades. Without some good counseling, hard work, and luck it can cause a couple to seek a divorce.
- Expectations – Many people have expectations for their future but they don’t make these known to their future marital partner at the start. As time passes one partner may be perfectly content living in the same city and the same home, while the other is itching to move and upgrade. These feelings are deep, often in place from childhood and without compromise it’s hard to overcome them.
- Marrying for Money – When someone gets into a relationship for money and the money goes away for whatever reason, the foundation for the marriage is gone. Just as a house needs a foundation, so does a marriage, hence marrying for money alone is not a prudent thing to do.
- Conflict Resolution – Every marriage will have conflicts. Every marriage therefore must have a way to resolve them or there will be unhappy partners. Right from the start it is critical to establish a means of resolving conflicts or divorce could be the only option.
Divorce Mediation in New York and New Jersey
The good news about all this is that there is a way to end a marriage without stress and strife and to move forward to a better life. This is called mediation or what we also call a “compassionate divorce.”
A contentious divorce usually causes pain for everyone involved, many times including children if they are involved. A peaceful, well mediated divorce can end a relationship while protecting the rights of both parties and move everyone into a brighter future. For nearly 20 years, Mediation Associates of NY and NJ, LLC has been working with couples who desire a non-combative divorce that works with both parties to arrive at a fair resolution. Calling (877) 666-9601 will put you in touch with Janice Starr, Esq./M.A. who can guide you to the best course of action for your particular situation.