Increasingly, divorce mediation is becoming mandatory before couples can take their divorce to the courts. More and more court systems are implementing this requirement as they see an increase in couples using the courts as negotiating forums or simply as launching pads for attacks and grudge resolution. Mediation is seen as a way for couples to get this ‘out of their system’ at a minimum and possibly resolve such differences without having to tie up the court system at all. As more and more … [Read more...] about Should Mediation Be Mandatory For Divorcing Couples?
Three Reasons Why Child Custody Mediation Is In Your Childrens’ Best Interest
A divorce is never an easy option and many couples avoid the decision for too long, trying, for all the right reasons, to make things work. Often one of the main ‘right reasons’ is the children the couple share, in the belief that a stable, traditional nuclear family is always a better option than divorce. People see divorce as a failure. This can lead to prolonging a bad situation; the fact is, it’s better for children to see their parents working together in a civil and respectful fashion … [Read more...] about Three Reasons Why Child Custody Mediation Is In Your Childrens’ Best Interest
Why Celebrities Choose Divorce Mediation
As a society, we consider a complete surrender of privacy as part of the price of fame. So when a high-profile celebrity couple makes the difficult decision to seek a divorce, it becomes open season on them as every public admission, accusation, and declaration (and in a litigated divorce, all finances and other details of your lives together) is gleefully plundered for its dark entertainment value. However, if you stop and think about it, you might notice that while the occasional juicy … [Read more...] about Why Celebrities Choose Divorce Mediation
Prenups: You Want Me to Sign What?
A prenuptial agreement – or ‘prenup’ – is one of those legal products that everyone is familiar with despite never having seen one. This is thanks to Hollywood and the gossip media, which has for decades now given us tantalizing portraits of the rich and famous, including the occasional sordid story of a jilted spouse left with nothing due to a hastily signed prenup or a marriage proposal that falls into a tragedy because one partner refused to sign a prenup. We all know what a prenup is, but … [Read more...] about Prenups: You Want Me to Sign What?
What Happens With Your Health Insurance After Divorce
Aside from being an incredibly emotionally stressful time in someone’s life, divorce is also incredibly complicated in terms of the legal and financial considerations it brings on. There are so many aspects to divorce to consider it is unsurprising that many are overlooked. One commonly overlooked facet to a divorce that involves a non-working spouse is the question of health coverage: If you were receiving health insurance benefits through your spouse’s employer-provided health coverage, you … [Read more...] about What Happens With Your Health Insurance After Divorce
Divorce: Difficulties Couples Face with Equitable Distribution
Divorce is one of those strange beasts in modern society that no one ever expects to have to deal with or live through. No one gets married with the idea that it is a temporary situation – we all marry with the best intentions and the noblest of goals. This is why so many spouses are willing to make sacrifices for their partners – the spouse who works to put their partner through school, the spouse who agrees to move to an area they find uncomfortable, the spouse who give up a career – without … [Read more...] about Divorce: Difficulties Couples Face with Equitable Distribution
Taking the Sting Out of Divorce with Mediation
Even when the dubious adjective ‘amicable’ is appended to it, divorce is rarely easy and never enjoyable. Divorce always represents the end of something, and that usually means there was a happier time, a beginning when everything seemed wonderful and plans were made. Divorce usually means those plans never came to fruition and along the way, emotions have soured and where there was once affection and mutual support there is often antagonism and spite. It’s certainly not uncommon for couples … [Read more...] about Taking the Sting Out of Divorce with Mediation
When Mediation Is Not Mediation
When discussing mediation, most people have a tendency to focus on the clear benefits that have been proven time and again: The faster resolution, the lower cost, the less-combative atmosphere. While these are all absolutely accurate descriptions of the mediation process, they are also describing what could be termed true mediation – a mediation course that is focussed on finding common ground and guiding the parties to a mutually satisfactory agreement that satisfies all problem areas. … [Read more...] about When Mediation Is Not Mediation
Can Mediation Work in a Communication Breakdown?
Often couples heading towards divorce dismiss mediation as an option for one simple reason: Mediation implies communication. Some divorcing couples cannot stand to be in the same room with each other and cannot communicate in any effective way. The damage is too severe and there is too much ‛water under the bridge,’ so to speak. Couples in such a distressing and emotionally charged scenario think mediation is impossible due to their inability to communicate. This belief is due to a core … [Read more...] about Can Mediation Work in a Communication Breakdown?
Divorce Mediation, Collaborative Divorce and Litigated Divorce: A Comparison
There are many roads to divorce – not that you would know it from television and films, where divorce always, always means litigation and dramatic courtroom scenes, angry spouse shouting, lies and drama. Litigation is rarely so exciting and it is far from the only option available to divorcing couples. After all, emotional states vary, goals and personalities vary, and different couples require different levels and types of help coming to their final agreements. While litigation is truly the … [Read more...] about Divorce Mediation, Collaborative Divorce and Litigated Divorce: A Comparison