Divorce is never easy for anyone, especially for the children involved. But the good news is that parents are perfectly able to take the “high road” during the process and settle their divorce dispute through Alternative Resolution Methods (ARM). Even if you think staying together might be the best option, when parents are unable to work out their marital differences, divorce is often a better choice than to subject your household (and your children) to embittered fights and constant stress by … [Read more...] about Taking the “High Road” During Divorce Benefits the Children
Three Reasons Why Child Custody Mediation Is In Your Childrens’ Best Interest
A divorce is never an easy option and many couples avoid the decision for too long, trying, for all the right reasons, to make things work. Often one of the main ‘right reasons’ is the children the couple share, in the belief that a stable, traditional nuclear family is always a better option than divorce. People see divorce as a failure. This can lead to prolonging a bad situation; the fact is, it’s better for children to see their parents working together in a civil and respectful fashion … [Read more...] about Three Reasons Why Child Custody Mediation Is In Your Childrens’ Best Interest